Fear of cheating is real, especially if your girl is hot and rare. Men can see such women from a mile away and they’ll try to take her away from you. So don’t be laid back and expect your girl to naturally stay faithful, take steps to ensure that she does.
A common misconception is that faithful woman stays even
when they are enticed by good things. I’m here to tell you that a good woman
will leave you if they are enticed by good thing, especially if you do nothing
of the same. She will leave because you don’t take her on dates for someone who
does, believe it.
Have an
Talk to her about how you feel about cheating and that you
love her and wouldn’t wish to lose her. It is important to know that there is
no problem with expressing your feelings. Your feelings should be heard, and ladies
love when they hear a man admit them.
Talk about her communicating to you if your work takes you away
from her and you don’t realize it. Make it okay for her to halt you in your
tracks. Don’t shut her down talking about working for your future. What kind of
future are you going to have if you don’t have your woman?
Many women are not impressed by expensive dates and fancy
dinners. So leave work and go home to a cup of noodles and your woman. Money is
not everything. Don’t be a slave to your boss, that goes without saying. Not unless
you are paid for overtime, do not act like an idiot.
Also, take that leave, not everything is about money!
Do some
damage control
Get a spy app that you’ll install on your partner’s phone to
keep track of what they do. Do this as a way of knowing her better and finding
sweet things you can do for them that they’ll appreciate. This will give you
access to other things they may be doing that may lead to cheating, that is
where damage control comes in. if she is talking to some guy, start running
If they plan on meeting, use that time to surprise her with
a date. Do not use the app as a way to catch her, not unless you want the
relationship to end. Constantly blocking any suspicious interactions will
divert her attention back to you. Remember to always be sweet to her, and don’t
reveal your ways. Keep that a secret as well.
If she loves you, a little obsession will please her. A lady
with nothing to hide will not mind this. If she gets angry, she’s hiding something.
Tend to
your relationship
Attention is everything to your girlfriend. Let her know
that you see her and feel her. Let her know that you can do anything and
everything to make her feel better in times she needs it. Women are not silly,
they see the effort and appreciate it. They will naturally stop entertaining
other men once they see that your dedication to her is unwavering.
She may do some things to gauge your reaction, don’t be a
fool. If she wanted the other guy, she’d be with him instead of you. Imagine the
relationship as a flower garden or another analogy that fits your imagination,
and do what you’ll do to your garden to keep the flowers blooming. Water the
plants, add manure, and constant weeding.
Play with her
women are like children, only they are not interested in hide and seek. Probably the adult kind. That applies even after you've had kids and grown old. Indulge her whim often, keep her feeling young and loved, and there will be a special place for you in heaven.
In conclusion, your relationship is not on cruise control. Take
your relationship on different levels every couple of years. Women get bored
easily, and if they have nothing new in their life to talk about and be excited
about, they feel frustrated.