How to handle being jealous of your partner's ex

Jealousy is endearing, but sometimes it is like a leaking pipe soaking your walls. With time, it does serious damage if not managed. It is important to note that sometimes jealousy is logical and to avoid gaslighting your partner.

However, retroactive jealousy does not make sense. Let us all be honest about that. An ex is an ex for a reason, and they are in the past. Focusing on the future is best. The excess can cast a shadow on your relationship, that’s for sure. You never know the full story as you only hear the negatives, the unfairness of the breakup, and how the split negatively affected the children or family.

There are special cases where a breakup is celebrated. That doesn’t mean there are no questions still. Jealousy over an ex can be due to many reasons and unanswered mysteries. Were they sexier, nicer, or kinder? Or do they keep in touch?

There are ways of combating such challenges. They include;


Setting a solid foundation

Get into a relationship knowing your true intentions and that there are exes. At this point, you may or may not know the ex. Ensure that you set a strong foundation on trust, communication, growth, fun, commitment, and connection. The stronger these six elements are, the less likely your relationship will be shaken by an ex.


Ask about the ex

Knowing a few things about the ex may be good for understanding your partner’s past. However, there is absolutely no need to bring up an ex if they don’t impact your life now or in the future. Sometimes the past has to stay there.

There are relationships that end mutually, and pocking is unhealthy for the ex. Always consider the other party in such situations.

Ask about the ex if they start showing up. It is also important to clearly introduce your ex as an ex, not a friend, as that may be misleading to your partner.


Set boundaries

That only happens if the ex keeps communicating with your partner or vice versa. Communicate with your partner and find out why they keep in touch, if it’s for the children, set clear boundaries. Clearly tell your partner your limits, what is acceptable and what isn’t, and what your expectations are. Here are a few communication skills that will help your relationship.


Inform the ex

This is not your job but your partner’s. Communicate to them about clarifying to the ex that their road ended, and you both will appreciate respect. They must respect your boundaries and, if possible, not act like a douche.


Stay in the present

Some exes are from hell, so try your best to stay in the present and not let stress get to you. Don’t punish your partner because of a toxic ex; actively work on your relationship and be there for your partner. Jealousy may cloud your judgment if you don’t, and you may end up losing something good in the process.


In conclusion, remind your partner that you love them daily and avoid jealousy, especially if your partner does not tolerate the said ex.